Story of a friendship with a deepwater Liparis tanakae snailfish
Selected photographs of marine life behavior from 2023
Thoughts on valuing under-appreciated organisms of the sea
Story about an East Asian octopus (Octopus sinensis) rearing a clutch of eggs out of season, during winter
A selection of images from 2020
Photographs and discussion of hemiclonal reproduction of Hexagrammos greenling species in northern Japan
How I saved the life of a fish when a friendly Australian sea lion offered it to me as a meal
How a parasitic Sacculina barnacle turns crabs into zombie sex slaves
Thoughts from giving two talks to the kids of Kannoura primary school in rural Japan, Kochi Prefecture
Teasing out details from a morning of observing intense social activity of humpback whales
Story about blacktip reef sharks and other predators working together to herd and hunt sardines in shallow water