Here's a short video clip I just put together showing what it was like to dive under the jetty at Samarai Island.
I took the video footage when it was cloudy overhead, so the light was diffuse and whitish, plus there was quite a bit of contrast between the dark, nearly black, areas under the jetty and the harshly lit patches of water. Did the best I could picking angles to minimise the conflict between light and dark.
I shot with a Canon 7D camera and Tokina 10-17mm wide zoom lens, using a Zillion housing and Pro One dome port. For lighting, I used two Light and Motion Sola 1200 lights, mainly just to add highlights to fish that swam close to me.
I also used the recently released Technicolor CineStyle picture profile. I think it may have helped with capturing greater detail in the wide range of light values, though I didn't shoot any footage with other profiles for comparison.
Hope you enjoy the video. There certainly were a lot(!) of fish.